BU13 - Cleaning washroom facilities
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)You must hold a valid LTP in order to enrol for this course.
AU5 - Washing surfaces
CourseWashing surfaces will leave the surface clean and smear free. This skill applies to horizontal or vertical surfaces.
AU6 - Polish application (furniture)
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)You must hold a valid LTP in order to enrol for this course.
BICSc Licensed Assessor
Course4.9 average rating (17 reviews)This course allows individuals selected by an Accredited Training Member to assess and accredit their own employees in line with the skills that the candidate already holds from CPSS.
SU1 - Bodily fluids and sharp objects (hard surfaces)
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)You must hold a valid LTP in order to enrol for this course. Rules of combination also apply. You must hold the following skills in addition to LTP: BU2 – Damp mopping BU6 – Damp wiping of surfaces AU5 – Washing surfaces